Responding to PBM Re-Enrollment

Responding to PBM Re-Enrollment Applications, Request for Information and Contract Terminations

PBMs are integral to the pharmacy’s existence. The power possessed by PBMs is frustrating and unsettling. Nevertheless, it is reality. Particularly with the increase in the number of compounding pharmacies, PBMs are more intrusive and demanding than they have been in the past. This program will discuss the ways that PBMs are intruding on pharmacies. Examples are detailed re-enrollment/re-credentialing applications, requests for information pertaining to waiver/reduction of copayments, audits of claims, and termination of contracts. Equally as important, the program presents practical steps to completing re-enrollment/re-credentialing applications, responding to requests for information, responding to billing audits, and responding to a termination notice.

Download the slides here.