Accreditation University workshops are specifically designed to prepare healthcare organizations for the initial or renewal accreditation process.

USP <800> Compliance Virtual Workshop sponsored by PCAB


The Readiness Packet has checklists designed to guide your company through the accreditation preparation process by outlining the most important areas to audit.

  • Observation Checklist
  • Personnel Record Audit
  • Potential Agency Staff
    Interview Questions
  • Client/Patient Record Audit

Since the highly-anticipated release of USP <800> there has been much discussion among healthcare pharmacies about the interpretation of these new guidelines---and what that will mean for their operations once implementation takes full effect in 2019. During this workshop participants will examine the new standards and discover practical applications.

This workshop will offer CEs.

USP <800> has been finalized, and USP has set an enforcement day. Though implementation is not until 2019, the standards are comprehensive and may require significant facility updates. Due to this, the time to start planning is now.


Key items addressed include:


  • Facility design
  • Creating an OSHA compliant HD List
  • Shipping HDs
  • OSHA Hazardous Communications Programs
  • Respiratory protection
  • Workflow considerations
  • Personnel training
  • Primary Engineering Controls (PECs)
  • Deactivation and decontamination 


In addition, USP <797> has issued a revised draft.
We will cover key differences that are critical to your practice including:

  • Changes to how BUDs (Beyond-Use Dates) may be assigned
  • Testing requirements
  • Revised facility requirements
  • Gowning and garbing requirements


Learning Objectives:

  • Define what is considered a hazardous drug
  • Provide strategies to achieve USP <800> compliance
  • Review proposed changes to USP <797>


Intended Audience:

This workshop is relevant to sterile and non-sterile compounders.

Your Instructor(s):

Jon Pritchett, Pharm.D.,RPh.
Associate Director, Pharmacy

Bryan Prince, MBA
Compounding Safety, Workflow, and Design Consultant

Greg Stowell
Education & Consulting Manager